SJC Activities and Programs

These are ongoing activities sponsored by the West Wind Social Justice Committee. See also our Upcoming Events.

Volunteering at Food and Shelter, Inc.: SJC coordinates West Wind members volunteering with Norman's Food and Shelter, Inc. West Wind SJC is seeking new volunteers, especially for the following slots, 2nd/3rd Monday, or 3rd/4th Tuesday of each month. Volunteers arrive at 10:45am and finish up at 12pm. For more information contact our volunteer coordinator Lois Hilbert (

DACA Action Alert: President Trump has announced the elimination of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, effective March 2018. DACA is an administrative policy that allows immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as children ("Dreamers") to remain and obtain a work permit. Ending the policy could lead to their deportation, including many who live, study, and work in Oklahoma. Please call or write your elected officials and ask them to protect Dreamers with legislative action such as the bipartisan DREAM Act of 2017. Consider also: writing a letter to the editor; posting on social media; and/or encouraging friends to contact legislators. More information: (1) SJC summary of DACA and TPS. (2) National Immigration Law Center FAQ. (3) Optional script for calling representative (scroll down).

Food and Shelter, Inc. donations: There will be PINK boxes for donations of office supplies and toiletries in the foyer of WWUUC each Sunday, distributed weekly. They need razors and deodorant as well as soap, shampoo, conditioner, etc.

    WWUUC Social Justice: Report to the Board, Aug 27, 2017

    Diaper Change

    The first Sunday of every month, an extra basket is passed around during the Sunday Service Collection of Gifts. Congregation members donate their pocket change. All the money adds up and we use it to buy diapers which are then donated to the Center for Children and Families.

    Holiday Gift Tree for the
    Center for Children & Families

    In late November, every year, we decorate a small tree with adopt a child tags for holiday gifts. Tags list the child's age, preferences, and clothing sizes. Congregation members take the tags, shop for a holiday gift, and return it with tag. Gifts are returned to the Center for Children and Families with the hopes of making the holiday brighter for families in need of assistance.

    Picture from crop walk?

    Crop Walk For Hunger

    Every October West Wind UUC joins forces with many other Cleveland County congregations and local organizations to do our best to feed the hungry with the Crop Walk. 25% off all funds raised are donated directly to local food bank and free kitchen efforts. Since its inception, in 1969, the Church World Service has raised money and awareness globally with its efforts to feed the hungry.
    Learn more about the project here!


    Food Pantry & Clothing Swap

    Our Food Pantry gives congregational members the opportunity to work together to help one another meet the vital need of nourishment. Those who wish to share are invited to place non-perishable food items in the Food Sharing Closet. Those who are in need of food are invited to take food from the Food Sharing Closet. There are no papers to sign, or qualifications to meet. We ask that folks take only what you know you will use.

    We also invite members to participate in a clothing swap during the second Sunday potluck meal. Members are invited to bring gently used clothing that they no longer need, to be exchanged with other folks who may be able to put the clothing to good use. All clothing that is left behind after potluck is donated to Food and Shelter in Norman.

    Janet Carpenter Warm Clothing Drive

    Every Winter, we collect old (but clean) or new coats, sweaters, gloves, hats, and mittens at church each Sunday from mid-December through the end of January. Congregation members take the donations to Food and Shelter each Sunday to donate to their Clothing Closet.