Social Justice Committee - Upcoming Events

March/April 2019 Action Alerts:

(1) Healthcare Expansion. The local chapter of Together Oklahoma, which is connected with the Oklahoma Policy Institute, is hosting two events in April to support extension of healthcare to Oklahomans.

-Sun, April 14, 3:30-5:00 PM: Norman TOK will host a forum on health care expansion to both inform you and answer your questions (location TBA).

-Weds, Apr 24: The Oklahoma Policy Institute will be launching a big campaign for health care expansion culminating in a day of advocacy on April 24 at the state Capitol. Plans are being made to provide buses to this event.

(2) Water Issues. Weds, Mar 27 - Please join the Oklahoma Sierra Club, Oklahomans for Responsible Water Policy, Green Country Spring Creek Guardians, and STIR (Save the Illinois River) for educational talks and legislative updates on the most pressing water issues facing Oklahoma today.

The event will be at the first floor rotunda in the Capital. Guest speakers include Casey Campy Horinick, Drew Edmondson, and Pam Kingfisher, and their talks will be at the beginning of the day (around 10:00). There will also be educational table displays from our coalition of water advocates throughout the day until 2:00.

(3) Women's Health. Learn about the details of this bill, and call your Oklahoma legislators:

According to Planned Parenthood, SB 614 has been assigned to the House Judiciary committee and will be heard on Tuesday, March 26. SB 614 will require all doctors who provide abortions to give false and misleading information to patients seeking abortion.