May I speak to your minister?

WWUUC is lay-led but does have a part time student minister, Andy Jacobs. You may call him at (cell) 405-588-2452 or (home) 405-701-1438; email

Where can I find your Bylaws?

The latest version of the bylaws is available here.

Do you have a Facebook group I can check out / join?

We sure do.

Is your building available for rental?

Yes, the sanctuary or smaller rooms may be rented for a variety of events including weddings, funerals/memorials, workshops, club or committee meetings, etc. The fee is $30 per hour. Check our calendar for availability. Call Susan Cogan at (405) 226-9712 to schedule.

Where's the Mothership?


The West Wind Unitarian Universalist Congregation is an affiliate of the Unitarian Universalist Association. The UUA has a huge informative web site here:

Is there childcare/Sunday school during the church service?

Children often remain in the service for the first 15-20 minutes for a gathering song and story. They may stay in the service or go out to join play activities. Childcare for infants and toddlers is available on Sundays, and nearly always when there is a meeting or church gathering.
Sunday School classes meet:
Age 3 through Kindergarten: Zephyros Room
Grades 1 through 5: Chinook Room
Grades 6 through 10: Friagem Room

Will I be pressured to join or be saved or donate?

No. In fact, people sometimes think we are being aloof because we don't approach our visitors as if we we’re selling used cars. We'll welcome you at the door. We'd be happy to have you join us, but we won't try to push ourselves onto you. We will never ask you to join on your first visit to our church. We recommend you check us out for a couple of months before you consider joining. We'll never pressure you to be saved, either. We don't believe in salvation by grace. That is where the "Universalist" part of "Unitarian-Universalists" comes in.

Once a year in the spring, we have a congregational meeting where we decide changes in policy, bylaws and hear reports on the previous year. In association with that meeting we have a pledge drive where we ask for an annual pledge. Based on those pledges, we are able to make a budget and plan for the coming year. Whether or not you are able to make a financial contribution we also ask for a contribution of time or talent. West Wind works as a church through the many contributions of its members.

How can an agnostic or atheist go to church?

The agnostics and atheists at our church arrive by foot, bicycle, car and bus.

Seriously, this is one of the things about us that puzzles people. Why would an agnostic (atheist, humanist...) go to church? We offer people a place to explore and grow spiritually, even if they grow in different directions. We talk about "things-that-matter" on a regular basis. We encourage deeper thinking and exploring of religious and spiritual values, including better ways to live our lives consciously. We provide religious education for our children, so that they can make an informed choice when it comes time for them to choose a religion. Finally, there is the social aspect of church. Even agnostics like potlucks.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to Ask!

Send emails to or come by on a Sunday and ask us in person!